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st: nlogitrum: flat or discontinuous region

From   John Fulton <[email protected]>
To   statalist <[email protected]>
Subject   st: nlogitrum: flat or discontinuous region
Date   Tue, 16 Jan 2007 14:30:22 -0500

Hi all. After receiving very generous help from Rich Gates, I still can't get
nlogitrum to run properly. So I'm turning back to statalist.
I have a 3-level model. One nest is degenerate. When I run the model, I receive the following (new) error:
could not calculate numerical derivatives
flat or discontinuous region encountered
What general phenomenon (or phenomena) causes this error?

I can present two facts which may be clues:
1). When I remove the degenerate nest, nlogitrum runs on the remaining data with no errors.
(This entails going to a 2-level model, since the top level has 2 nests, one of which is degenerate.)
2). Nlogit - the original version - runs the 3-level degenerate model with no errors.

These clues obviously don't prove anything specific, and I'm not even sure if they're indicative of anything at all. But they would seem to narrow the problem down to a difference between nlogitrum and nlogit in the way they process my degenerate nest and data.

I'd appreciate any help at all.
Thank you.

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