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Re: st: Re: How can I use this V9 module (hnblogit) with Version 8.0?

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Re: How can I use this V9 module (hnblogit) with Version 8.0?
Date   Tue, 16 Jan 2007 06:57:22 -0500

At 01:02 AM 1/16/2007, Neil Shephard wrote:
If you wish to start tinkering with versions or ado-files in general,
the recommended route is to clone and rename the original so that you
do not mess it up.
I'd also add that it would be a good idea to try a replicable example, i.e. run the original using Stata 9.2 and then try running the same problem with the modified program using 8.0. Just skimming the code, I didn't see any obvious reasons it would not run in 8, but then again I haven't memorized every change that occurred between the two versions.

That said it would be strongly recommended to upgrade to Stata 9 to
take advantage of the new features, bugfixes, mata and graph
improvements etc. etc. etc..  Stata is always backwards compatible so
even if you are only provided with files in Stata8 by format Stata9
will still be able to read them.
At a minimum, if Peter has access rights to do so, he should run -update all- so he has the free upgrade to Stata 8.2. If he is at the mercy of network administrators, he can harass them to do it. This is one of my pet peeves. It is one thing when administrators won't pay for the latest and greatest version; but when they don't even apply free upgrades, they are unnecessarily handicapping their users. The administrators may not even know how to update the software, so you have to keep after them (advice which I should follow myself, since I just learned my students will be in a lab where the last update of Stata is from May).

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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