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Re: st: from stata to SAS

From (William Gould, Stata)
Subject   Re: st: from stata to SAS
Date   Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:33:26 -0600

Juzhi Wang <> wrote, 

> [...] I need to import Stata data sets to SAS. What I need to do is to
> export the Stata into Excel and from Excel to SAS.

One easy way to export data from Stata to SAS is using Stata's -fdasave-
command, which will save the dataset in SAS XPORT format.  That will allow
you to skip the Excel step.  For example, 

        . use auto, clear 
          (1978 Automobile Data)

        . fdasave forsas
          the following variable(s) have names that must be changed to fit
          into .xpt format:  (suggested renamings shown):
                    displacement -> DISPLACE
                      gear_ratio -> GEAR_RAT
          specify option rename to save .xpt file with suggested names

        . fdasave forsas, rename
          the following variable(s) were renamed in the output file:
                    displacement -> DISPLACE
                      gear_ratio -> GEAR_RAT
          file forsas.xpt saved
          file formats.xpf saved

Another alternative, as Michael McCulloch <> mentioned, is to use
Stat/Transfer, which will allow you to go directly to a SAS format dataset.
Stat/Transfer is available either from or from

-- Bill
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