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Re: st: Creating Scale with Ordinal Data using IRT

From   SR Millis <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Creating Scale with Ordinal Data using IRT
Date   Thu, 11 Jan 2007 09:42:00 -0800 (PST)

I'm not certain whether I understand your question,
but I use Rasch analysis, and more specifically in
this case, the Rasch rating scale model, when I have
5-point Likert scale items.  Rasch analysis allows me
to determine whether any items are misfitting and also
allows me to derive a true interval scaling to obtain
a total score for each person.  Although some would
describe the Rasch model as the 1-parameter IRT model 
there are conceptual differences underlying both

I do my Rasch analysis with the Winsteps software.

SR Millis

> I have a two level structure, items within persons.
> There are five items,
> each measured on a five-point Likert Scale
> (responses are 1,2,3,4,5). I
> need to create a scale for each person based on the
> five items using IRT
> instead of the simple average of items in order to
> make use of all of the
> data. How would I go about this? I can first reshape
> the data, but where
> do I go from there?
> For example, my data may look like this originally:
> person  item1 item2 item3 item4 item5
> 1       3     2     3     4     5
> 2       5     4     2     4     3
> 3       3     2     1     2     2
> I can reshape the data into:
> person  item   scale
> 1       1      3
> 1       2      2
> 1       3      3
> 1       4      4
> 1       5      5
> 2       1      5
> 2       2      4
> 2       3      2
> 2       4      4
> 2       5      3
> etc.
> What commands might I use to create one scale for
> each person using IRT
> based on the responses to the 5 items?
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Scott R Millis, PhD, MEd, ABPP (CN & RP)
Professor & Director of Research
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Wayne State University School of Medicine
261 Mack Blvd
Detroit, MI 48201
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 313-993-8085
Fax: 313-745-9854

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