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st: RE: scaling

From   "Nick Cox" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: RE: scaling
Date   Wed, 10 Jan 2007 18:17:47 -0000

Your regression coefficients have units that 
are units of response / units of predictor. Thus 
if you don't like them change one unit or the other
or both until the numbers are congenial. 


Renuka Metcalfe
> I am using a panel data. I am looking at the impact of
> "x" on employment growth, runing an OLS. I ran
> something like
> .regress empgrowth2004 x1, x2, x3
> Some of my coefficients are very large. For example,
> 1307. 
> I would be grateful, if anyone would let me know, how
> I could scale these coefficients so that they are a
> lot smaller. 

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