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st: Re: RE: possible bug in the -syntax- command?

From   "Zurab Sajaia" <>
To   <>
Subject   st: Re: RE: possible bug in the -syntax- command?
Date   Wed, 10 Jan 2007 09:48:09 -0500

The usage of options is documented indeed, but I decided to ask a question since the behavior was different from what was described in the help: "Warning: be careful if the first two letters of the option's name are no, such as the option called notice. You must capitalize at least the N in such cases." and in our case more then N is capitalized.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Nick Cox" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 6:32 AM
Subject: st: RE: possible bug in the -syntax- command?

I guess that you are trying something a little nonstandard
given the special treatment of options whose names begin with
"no", which is documented.

I doubt very much that there is a bug, just a
misunderstanding by Stata!

I suspect that your problems would diminish if
you changed "ADJust" to "ADJust2". You need not
-- indeed should not -- show that extra "2" to users
in the help, but it would distinguish the options
to -syntax-.

A related issue is discussed at


Zurab Sajaia

I encountered somewhat strange behavior of -syntax- command and was
wandering if it's my fault or there is a problem indeed.
Lets consider this simple program:

capture program drop test
program define test
    syntax [, NOADJust ADJust]

    display "`noadjust'"
    display "`adjust'"

test , noadjust
it works as expected, but if I change the order of options
"syntax [, ADJust
NOADJust]" then `adjust' local contains the value of option but local
`noadjust' is always empty.

Any ideas why it might happen?
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