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Re: st: how does insheet determine datatypes?

From   Phil Schumm <>
Subject   Re: st: how does insheet determine datatypes?
Date   Sun, 7 Jan 2007 18:16:32 -0600

On Jan 7, 2007, at 12:09 PM, Nick Cox wrote:
This particular problem can be avoided by using -capture- as a prefix.

capture ren `var' `=`var'[1]'

will eat the error if the first value is not a valid new variable name. Alternatively you could use -confirm- directly.

Thanks for pointing that out -- I should have written the example that way. Production code would of course need this even with a function to generate Stata names, to account for the possibility of duplicate names (either because of duplicate names in the data file or because a name in the file clashes with one of the automatic names Stata generates when -nonames- is used (i.e., v1, v2, ...)).

I gather from your response that you are unaware of an exposed function to generate Stata names from an existing string?

-- Phil

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