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Re: st: Stata 9 for Windows, running within XP on the Mac OS X 10.4

From   Phil Schumm <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Stata 9 for Windows, running within XP on the Mac OS X 10.4
Date   Fri, 5 Jan 2007 19:32:56 -0600

On Jan 5, 2007, at 4:08 PM, Michael McCulloch wrote:
With the Mac operating system, it's now possible to install Windows XP and run Windows programs. Is anybody aware of any computational or compatibility issues that arise if one were to conduct analyses with Stata 9 in this environment?

I presume you're talking about the new Intel-based Macs (which are necessarily running OS X 10.4). In that case, you can either boot directly into Windows (using Apple's Boot Camp software) or use a virtualization solution such as that provided by Parallels (http:// In the first case you get native performance for Windows apps, while the second gives very close to native performance without the hassle of dual-booting.

I have not used Stata for Windows in such an environment, but since it doesn't rely on special drivers or make heavy use of graphics, I can't believe there would be much difference from running it on a PC. There may be some memory-related issues (i.e., limitations) with the virtual setup, but I don't know.

My question is: Why would you want to do this? Stata for OS X is wonderful, and although it is functionally equivalent to Stata for Windows, there are a few little touches that make it better in my opinion (e.g., the keyboard shortcuts cmd-J to insert a file path and cmd-shift-J to change working directories via the standard file dialog box). Plus, if you use Stata together with other software such as Unix utilities, scripting languages, etc., working on the Mac is very convenient. There may be a few very specific reasons to want to use Stata under Windows (e.g., if you're using a plugin that's compiled only for Windows or that relies on another Windows app), but those won't apply to most people.

-- Phil

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