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st: variance partitioning in a 3-level model (fwd)

From   "Cathy L. Antonakos" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: variance partitioning in a 3-level model (fwd)
Date   Fri, 5 Jan 2007 18:27:48 -0500 (EST)

I asked a question (included below) about partitioning variance in a 3-level model using -xtmixed- and have since found the answer. It is the option "variance" added at the end of the line, as follows (in a fully unconditional model). Very simple.

.xtmixed t_rc || hosp_id: || unit_id:, variance mle

I found the article by Yulia Marchenko, Stata Journal vol. 6 no.1, very helpful.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2007 00:41:17 -0500 (EST)
From: Cathy L. Antonakos <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Cc: Cathy L. Antonakos <[email protected]>
Subject: variance partitioning in a 3-level model

A few weeks ago, I asked re: regression with clustered data, and was steered toward a mixed model. I am working with -xtmixed- now. There are hospital level (level 3) and unit level (level 2) effects on people (level 1), and both unit and hospital are easily accommodated with -xtmixed-.

The -xtmixed- command I am using is something like this:

.xtmixed t_rc no_pes t_cweq ||hosp_id: ||unit_id:, mle

In a two-level model, I would use -loneway- to get the intra-class correlation for level-2 effects (fully unconditional model).
I did that here,

.loneway t_rc unit_id

I also did that for level-3 as follows, but am not sure this is correct:

.loneway t_rc hosp_id

In Bryk & Raudenbush (1992), in the chapter on 3-level models, the "proportion of variance among" level-2 units (classrooms) is described as "variance among classrooms within schools." This language is confusing to me, as I am guessing that the proportion of level-2 variance in a fully unconditional model does not account for level-3, except in the denominator. Is that correct? Or should I be running the fully unconditional 3-level model to get these variance estimates?

Thanks in advance.


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