Concerning the creation of a wiki for Stata, Neil Shephard
<[email protected]> wrote
> One thing that needs to be considered is that there are already a
> number of very useful tutorials and resources out there already such
> as the FAQ's at and the UCLA
> resources at to name but two.
> Who owns these documents (author or site host)? Are they happy to see
> their work duplicated within the wiki? If so who will 'wikifiy' the
> pages (I'd aim to do some, but don't have the time to do all of them)?
StataCorp would grant permission for its FAQs to be used under the
GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL) on a nonexclusive basis. When they were
used whole, we would ask that proper attribution be given to the original
author, especially when that original author was not StataCorp, and we would
also ask that a link be included back to the original FAQ on our site, where
the most up-to-date version is to be found. If FAQs were cut up and respliced
back together, or parts of them used in new dicussion, we would ask for
attribution where it was possible and appropriate, with a link, again
especially in the case when the FAQ was not written by us. The emphasis on
all of this on the word ask. We would require that the derived work be under
the GFD license. StataCorp's answer to the use of the FAQs for a wiki on Stata
would be yes.
-- Bill
[email protected]
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