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st: Update to -adolist- available from SSC

From   "Ben Jann" <>
To   statalist <>
Subject   st: Update to -adolist- available from SSC
Date   Thu, 4 Jan 2007 16:23:17 +0100

Thanks to Kit Baum, an update to the -adolist- package is available
from the SSC Archive.


. ssc install adolist, replace

or use the -adoupdate- command to install the update.


1. -adolist query- has been renamed to -adolist dir- (to be consistent
with -ado dir-; the old syntax continues to work)

2. -adolist uninstall- now only uninstalls packages that are not part
of another installed package list. However, there is a new -force-
option to force uninstalling all packages in the list.

3. -adolist check- is a new command that may be helpful in creating
package list. It is like -adolist store-, but displays the package
list in the results window instead of storing it to a file.

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