Ryan Wells wrote:
> I am running a logistic regression in stata, but the dataset requires me
> to use weights and to account for complex survey design (which I do with
> the command "svy" and its associated arguments...)
> I normally get the R2, -2LL, etc with the command "fitstat", but when
> weights and/or the "svy" command is used, fitstat does not provide
> details. Is there another command that could be used, a workaround, or
> some way to both use weights and have the ease of getting statistics for
> goodness of fit??
Yes, there is, but you won't necessarily get all the GOF statistics you're
seeking. Try Jeroen Weesie's -multgof- package, which appeared as -sg68-
in STB 36, and was reprinted in STB Reprints Vol 6, pp 183-186.
An example of how to use -multgof- properly is displayed below:
. webuse union, clear
. g weight=invnorm(uniform())
. logit union year age grade south black [pw=weight], or
(sum of wgt is 1.0408e+04)
Iteration 0: log pseudolikelihood = -6861.8457
Iteration 1: log pseudolikelihood = -6575.2068
Iteration 2: log pseudolikelihood = -6568.7874
Iteration 3: log pseudolikelihood = -6568.7803
Logistic regression Number of obs = 13075
Wald chi2(5) = 349.58
Prob > chi2 = 0.0000
Log pseudolikelihood = -6568.7803 Pseudo R2 = 0.0427
| Robust
union | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval]
year | .990755 .0095862 -0.96 0.337 .9721434 1.009723
age | 1.020531 .0092317 2.25 0.025 1.002597 1.038786
grade | 1.079468 .0134591 6.13 0.000 1.053408 1.106172
south | .4170912 .0254967 -14.30 0.000 .3699961 .4701808
black | 2.477861 .1538027 14.62 0.000 2.194028 2.798412
. predict obs, pr
. g exp=.5
. multgof obs exp if e(sample), df(5) n(13075)
observed do not sum to 1
expected do not sum to 1
Cressie-Read multinomial goodness-of-fit (5 df; 13075 cells)
cells(exp<1) = 0.00% cells(exp<5) = 100.00%
cells(obs<1) = 53.97% cells(obs<5) = 100.00%
Lambda(-2.00) Neyman's X2 = 65.533 p = 0.0000
Lambda(-1.00) Kullbach's KL = 66.239 p = 0.0000
Lambda(-0.50) Freeman-Tukey = 66.662 p = 0.0000
Lambda( 0.00) LR = 67.132 p = 0.0000
Lambda( 0.67) Cressie-Read = 67.836 p = 0.0000
Lambda( 1.00) Pearson's X2 = 68.222 p = 0.0000
With -multgof-, you must generate observed (here, -obs-) and expected
(here, -exp-) probabilities for each observation first before running it.
The -n(#)- option must be used if proportions are the metric used; you're
not restricted to the sample N, but it makes sense to do this in the above
I hope all this helps.
CLIVE NICHOLAS |t: 0(044)7903 397793
Politics |e: [email protected]
Newcastle University |http://www.ncl.ac.uk/geps
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