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st: re: a wish list for Statalist

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: re: a wish list for Statalist
Date   Tue, 2 Jan 2007 20:26:17 -0500

Roy said

I personally would like to see the Stata Corp to either be actively involved
in the management of Statalist, including setting up a user-friendly forum
mentioned above, or completely be disengaged from Statalist by having it
hosted on somewhere else. It should be in or out, without giving a murky
signal that it may come to the rescue should something go wrong. If the
Stata Corp chooses to stay out, there's always a space somewhere, especially
among the academic domains. The bandwidth requirement for Statalist
shouldn't be too big.

I don't understand. Statalist **is** hosted 'somewhere else' -- at the Harvard School of Public Health -- and moderated by one of its faculty members, Marcello Pagano. StataCorp does provide a web interface to Statalist postings, but that does not involve hosting anything at StataCorp; they merely mirror the contents of the HSPH server. I'm not sure what "completely disengaged from Statalist" implies, as StataCorp is not involved with the list, nor does it have any say over the content.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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