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st: H0 for xttest0 and the like

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: H0 for xttest0 and the like
Date   Mon, 1 Jan 2007 15:30:56 -0500

Nicola said

Despite reading some statistics manual and original papers I am still not sure to have understood correctly the use and the alternative hypotheses for several tests to be used after -xtreg-.
Command -xttest0- is referred to as "the Breusch and Pagan Lagrange- multiplier test for random effects, a test that Var(v_i)=0". I argue that if the test is significant, the model is better estimated through -regress-. Am I right?

No, you have it backwards. The null for xttest0 is var(u) = 0. If that was the case then there are no random effects. A significant result rejects var(u)=0 in favor of var(u) > 0, in which case the pooled OLS model that assumes that the error process has vce = \sigma^2 I_{NT} is not the appropriate model. So a rejection (significant test result) implies that you should NOT use OLS.

The Hausman test for FE vs RE has the null that both FE and RE are consistent estimators because X \perp u, and since RE is more efficient, it is to be preferred to FE. Under the null the coefficient vectors from FE and RE should not differ significantly for the common coefficients. Under the alternative X is correlated with u, RE is inconsistent and you should use FE. So a significant Hausman test statistic implies FE, as you state.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

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