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st: Please Help How to Summarize Data - Revised Version

From   "Scott Hill" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Please Help How to Summarize Data - Revised Version
Date   Mon, 1 Jan 2007 20:51:49 +1100

Hi Friedrich,

Thanks for taking an interest in my problem. I have revised my dataset
below, to get rid of the inconsistencies. Thanks for your thoughtful
questions, which made me see these. Thanks also for the gmail advice.

1) The observations for firms A and B are duplicated (duplicated for
firm A in the 2nd stage and duplicated for firm B in the 1st stage)
because they received financing from 2 investors. Observations are
repeated depending on the number of investors per stage. So there
should be triplicate observations for firm D because it had 3
investors in the 1st stage. I forgot to include the 3rd observation –
my mistake. Firm D should only have stage number = 1 and stage date =
15 May 95 for the triplicate observations.

2) I can tell that firm C receives financing only from 1 investor
because I also have data indicating the names of the investors. So in
the case of firm C, it had 3 stages of financing, and in each stage it
received financing from only 1 investor. Firm C should have stage
dates = 1 Feb 01 (for stage 1), 1 Feb 02 (for stage 2) and 1 Feb 03
(for stage 3). In the case of firm A, for example, it had 2 stages of
financing. In the 1st stage, it received financing from 1 investor
(say investor A1). In the 2nd stage, it received financing from 2
investors (say investor A1 again and also investor A2).

3) My intention is to count the number of firms which received
financing from at least 2 investors per stage and summarize the
results in terms of stages and in terms of years.  This type of
financing is called syndicated financing. As an example, in terms of
stage number, I will have 2 firms (firms B and D) as my count of firms
which received syndicated financing in the 1st stage.  I will have 1
firm (firm A) as my count of firms which received syndicated financing
in the 2nd stage. A total of 3 firms (A, B, and D) received syndicated
financing. In terms of years, it took firm A 0.5 years, from 1 Oct 96
(1st stage) to 1 Apr 97 (2nd stage) to get syndicated financing. A
mistake I made is that I should note that it took 0 years (not 1 year)
for firms B and D to get syndicated financing, as they got it at the
very beginning (1st stage).



On 12/31/06, Scott Hill <[email protected]> wrote:
Hi Stata Users:

 I would like to ask for your help. I have a dataset which has the
following format.

 Firm     Stage         Stage Number    Stage
Name    Number     of Investors          Date
 A           1                      1               1  Oct  96
 A           2                      2               1  Apr  97
 A           2                      2               1  Apr  97
 B           1                      2              28 Mar 01
 B           1                      2              28 Mar 01
 C           1                      1                1 Feb 01
 C           2                      1                1 Feb 02
 C           3                      1                1 Feb 03
 D           1                      3                15 May 95
 D           1                      3                15 May 95
 D           1                      3                15 May 95

In this example, there are 4 firms, A, B, C, and D. These are firms
which receive financing from investors in various stages and dates.
Firms A, B, and D received financing from several investors, while
firm C received financing only from 1

So firm A received financing in the 1st stage (column Stage_Number) from 1
investor (column Stage_Number_of Investors) on  1 Oct 96 (column Stage_Date). In
the 2nd stage, firm A received financing from 2 investors on 1 Apr 97.

I would like to summarize the number of firms which received financing from
several investors like this:

 In terms of stages:

 Stage           No. of Firms Which Received Financing From
 Number        Several Investors
 1                   2   (referring to firms B and D)
 2                   1    (referring to firm A)
                     Total: 3 firms

 In terms of years:

 Year(s)         No. of Firms Which Received Financing
                      From Several Investors

0.5                 1 (referring to firm A - 1 Oct 96 to a Apr 97)
0                    2 (referring to firms B and D)
                     Total: 3 firms

I tried to find ways to summarize this kind of information in Stata, but was
unsuccessful. Could somebody help me?


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