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Re: st: solution to my question: separating string of fixed length into sections

From   "Ingo Brooks" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: solution to my question: separating string of fixed length into sections
Date   Sun, 31 Dec 2006 11:34:59 +0100


If you would like to do this in just one line, try out Nick Cox's
-todate- program (in Stata type -net search todate-).

Have a good start into the new year.


On 12/30/06, Michael McCulloch <[email protected]> wrote:
I'd like to share what I learned (and thanks to Maarten Buis who suggested
using -destring- in combination with the floor function.)

I have a date string which I'd like to convert to Stata date.

Before I can use mdy() and date(), I need to split the string into sections:
         the first four characters for year,
         then the next two for month,
         then the last two for day.

. tostring datedx, replace
. generate str4 dxyr = substr(datedx,1,4)
. generate str2 dxmo = substr(datedx,5,6)
. generate str2 dxda = substr(datedx,7,8)
. destring dx*, replace
. gen edate = mdy(dxmo, dxda, dxyr)
. format edate %d
. list datedx edate dxyr dxmo dxda in 1/5
      |   datedx       edate   dxyr   dxmo   dxda |
   1. | 19900417   17apr1990   1990      4     17 |
   2. | 19880107   07jan1988   1988      1      7 |
   3. | 19930407   07apr1993   1993      4      7 |
   4. | 19880819   19aug1988   1988      8     19 |
   5. | 19890127   27jan1989   1989      1     27 |

AND, Maarten's suggestion for using -destring- in combination with the
floor function:

You can achieve what you want by using the dates as numbers (i.e. use
-destring- first) in combination with the floor function. See the
example below:

.destring datedx, replace
.gen int year = floor(datedx/10000)
.gen int month = floor((datedx-year*10000)/100)
.gen int day = datedx - year*10000 - month*100
.list datedx year month day in 1/5
      |   datedx   year   month   day |
   1. | 19900417   1990       4    17 |
   2. | 19880107   1988       1     7 |
   3. | 19930407   1993       4     7 |
   4. | 19880819   1988       8    19 |
   5. | 19890127   1989       1    27 |

Best wishes,


Michael McCulloch
Pine Street Clinic
Pine Street Foundation
124 Pine Street, San Anselmo, CA 94960-2674
tel     415.407.1357
fax     415.485.1065
email:  [email protected]

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