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st: standard errors from -mfx- without resorting to -force-

From   Partha Deb <>
To   Statalist <>
Subject   st: standard errors from -mfx- without resorting to -force-
Date   Fri, 29 Dec 2006 21:53:41 -0500


I have a model for which -mfx- does not report standard errors without the ,force option. I think I understand why from reading the online FAQ, but then I'm puzzled as to how -treatreg- gets around this issue. An alternative solution here would be to apply ,force, but that seems so inelegant. Any insights would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot.

Details of the problem next (with apologies for its length).

I have a nonlinear model with an endogenous regressor that is specified as

y1 = g(x,y2,e)
y2 = f(x,u)
E(e.u) ne 0

A ML algorithm is implemented using -ml- using the following syntax:

ml model d2 myfunc_lf (`lhs': `lhs' = `rhs' `tlhs') ///
(`tlhs': `tlhs' = `trhs')

I also have a myfunc_p routine that calculates E(y1)=g(x,y2)

When I apply -mfx-, I get marginal effects, but no standard errors. My guess is this is because tlhs, the dependent variable in the second equation is a regressor in the first. When -mfx- checks for appropriateness, it sets "all dependent variables to zero" and this causes the marginal effect w.r.t. x change.

-treatreg- is specified using

ml model lf treat_ll /*
*/ (`depn': `dep' = `ind' `trtdep', `nc') /*
*/ (`trtdepn': `trtdep' = `trtind', `trtnc') /*

which looks like my -ml model-. But here, -mfx- gives marginal effects and standard errors. Why? Am I missing a trick in treatr_p?



Partha Deb
Department of Economics
Hunter College
ph: (212) 772-5435
fax: (212) 772-5398

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