Hi, I believe macro list is the best way then. I was wondering if
there existed some wildcard syntax similar to what I suggested. I
guess not. Thanks Kit and Sergio for your prompt replies.
On 12/29/06, Sergio Correia <sergio.correia@gmail.com> wrote:
You can use the -unab- command (or tsunab if you are using time-series
operators), mixed with a macro function:
An example could be:
unab allvars : int_*
unab excludedvars : int_abc int_xyz
local selected : list allvars - excluded
And then you use the local macro -selected- like this:
reg y x1 x2 `selected'
You will see that the results do the same as (int_* - int_abc - int_xyz)
PS: Its not in one line, but after you create the macro you can use it
everywhere, from summ to xtprobit
On 12/29/06, Kit Baum <baum@bc.edu> wrote:
Kelvin wants to use a wildcard list and remove a couple of elements
from the list. The list macro functions are useful in that regard:
webuse auto,clear
tab rep78,g(RR)
unab rnames: RR*
local dontwant RR2 RR4
local rnames1 : list rnames - dontwant
di "`rnames1'"
su `rnames1'
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
On 12/29/06, Kelvin Foo <kelvinski@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Statalisters,
> How can I do the following?
> reg y x1 x2 (int_* - int_abc - int_xyz)
> Obviously the above doesn't work.
> "(int_* - int_abc - int_xyz)" is supposed to mean the varlist of all
> variable names starting with int_ except int_abc and int_xyz, and in
> place of int_abc and int_xyz could be any other variable names that I
> specify.
> I would need this syntax to be part of the varlist that goes with any
> estimation commands such as -reg-, -probit-, etc.
> Thanks.
> Kelvin.
> *
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