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Re: st: questions about xtprobit

From   David Jacobs <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: questions about xtprobit
Date   Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:41:09 -0500

What if one wants to control for time in a fixed-effects logit analysis? Suppose I have pooled time series with panels by year and I want to estimate using a two-way fixed-effects design. I understand that it is incorrect to use dummies for cases, but is it incorrect to enter separate dummies for each year in fixed-effects logit models?

Dave Jacobs

At 06:11 AM 12/29/2006, you wrote:

Not sure if -xtprobit- is the best choice, (I'm not an expert, but it sounds that the choice depends on what "after a certain event" means, i.e. are all observations subject to the same event at the same time?).
Turning to technical questions on Stata, to my best knowledge you cannot have fixed effects for -xtprobit-. But you can use CONDITIONAL fixed effects for -xtlogit-. Remember that you cannot use dummies to estimate logistic fixed effects (Hsiao 1986). You can have exponentiated coefficients (odds ratio indicating the percentage change in the probability of the outcome (the dependent variable = 1) given a one unit change in the independent variable) with option -or-.

At 02.33 24/12/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>For my nmaster degree thesis, I have data on firms borrowing from many
>sources as shown below. I am trying to run probit model to see how
>likely it is that firm will have better access to finance (to
>different sources e.g. banks, bond market) after a certain event. With
>the data structure below, I want to control for firm's characteristic
>firmid financesource improveaccesstoloan x1
>1 1 1 8
>1 2 0 8
>1 3 1 8
>where x1 = indepedent variable capturing firm characteristics for each
>I am thinking about using xtprobit for the following model:
>prob of improving access = financesourcedummies + x1+ x2+.....
>Is xtprobit the right command to use?
>Can I use fixed effects with xtprobit?
>I tried it and getting coefficient greater than 1. how do I obtain the
>correct marginal effects on probability?

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