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Re: st: Several ttests
Stata users must distinguish the common right sided single quote from the
left sided single quote. Most programs - especially word processors -
expect you to use the right sided quote at both the left and right ends of
an expression, but, as far as local macros are concerned, Stata demands
explicit left single quote to open, and right single quote to close, an
expression. A quick glance around my office shows that on IBM, Microsoft
and Dell branded keyboards, the left single quote shares the tilde "~" key
on the upper left of the keyboard, just above the tab key. But keyboards
are hardly standard these days (especially on laptops) so you might have to
hunt around.
May I suggest that, at your earliest possible convenience, you read Chapter
18 of the User's Guide, wherein all manner of useful goodies are
explained. The Chapter is entitled "Programming Stata" but I think anyone
who wishes to venture beyond the simplest Stata constructs would need to be
familiar with some of its contents, especially the first sections on
macros. Use of different types of quotes and macro expansion are
explained. Your path to learning Stata will be much smoother as you will
then also be able to tackle some of the topics in the Programming Manual
(such as foreach and forvalues) which are as valuable to non-programmers as
they are to programmers.
At 06:29 PM 28/12/2006 -0500, you wrote:
It worked!
What's with the quote marks? like in :
di "`var'"
I see 3 types " ' and ` (this last one, I am not sure I have on my keyboard)
Thanks for your patience.
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Philip Ryan
Associate Professor,
Discipline of Public Health
Director, Data Management & Analysis Centre
Associate Dean (IT)
Faculty of Health Sciences
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* For searches and help try:
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