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Re: st: Adopaths

From   Gilles Desve <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Adopaths
Date   Thu, 28 Dec 2006 17:16:09 +0100


To change ado paths, use following command :
sysdir set PERSONAL "d:\data\perso"
sysdir set PLUS "d:\data\plus"

The easier is to put that commands in
The must be in your main stata data directory. This do-file is executed every time you launch stata.

Best regards

Dr Gilles DESVE
Directeur technique
T�l : 01 53 02 40 61

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Claude Francoeur a �crit :


My objective is to save the ado files that I create and the ones that I retrieve from ssc in the same main directory (D:\Stata). This will make it easier when I make back ups of data.

I am trying to understand how the paths shown below are used by Stata. I noticed that "c:\ado\plus/" stores ado files that are retrieved from ssc. Can I change this path to D:\Stata\ado\plus? How would I do it?

Also, should I change the other ado paths that appear in the list above, if I want all "my stuff" in D:\Stata?

What about the other paths? What are Personal and Old Place used for?

. adopath
[1] (UPDATES) "C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\updates/"
[2] (BASE) "C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\base/"
[3] (SITE) "C:\Program Files\Stata9\ado\site/"
[4] "."
[5] (PERSONAL) "c:\ado\personal/"
[6] (PLUS) "c:\ado\plus/"
[7] (OLDPLACE) "c:\ado/"
[8] "D:\STATA\Adofiles"

Any reference or explanation about this would be greatly appreciated.

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