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Re: st: Calculation of the marginal effects in multinomial logit

From   menale kassie <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Calculation of the marginal effects in multinomial logit
Date   Wed, 27 Dec 2006 23:27:17 -0800 (PST)


I posted similar question two weeks ago. I was trying nested loop to compute marginal effects for each and every observation however, it seems it is not working when a variable contains a non-integer value. I find a message that my dependent variable contains non-integer value. Is there a way to solve this problem? I am using a linear fixed effects model.

----- Original Message ----
From: Friedrich Huebler <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2006 11:22:30 AM
Subject: Re: st: Calculation of the marginal effects in multinomial logit


To answer your second question first, -mfx- saves the standard errors
in the matrix e(Xmfx_se_dydx).

Regarding your first question, if you really want to calculate the
marginal effects for each and every observation, you can do so with a
nested loop. I hope you have a fast computer and a lot of patience.

set more off
sysuse auto
mlogit rep78 mpg displacement, nolog
levels rep78, local(rlevels)
levels mpg, local(mlevels)
levels displacement, local(dlevels)
foreach r of local rlevels {
foreach m of local mlevels {
  foreach d of local dlevels {
   di ""
   di ""
   di "mfx c, pred(outcome(`r')) at(mpg=`m' displacement=`d')"
   mfx c, pred(outcome(`r')) at(mpg=`m' displacement=`d')
   matrix list e(Xmfx_se_dydx)

Two blank lines are added above each -mfx- command to make the output
easier to read. The full -mfx- command with the values for which the
marginal effects are calculated is also displayed. In addition, the
standard errors of the marginal effects are listed after the -mfx-

The code above was tested in Stata 8.2. Note that -levels- only works
with integer and string variables.


--- [email protected] wrote:
> I am trying to calculate the marginal effects at every observation
> for a multinomial logit model. As I understood, the mfx command in
> STATA calculates the marginal effect at the mean of the independent
> variables, which is not correct for multinomial logit models since
> marginal effects are nonlinear in the independent variables. So I
> have two questions:
> 1. Is there an easy way to make mfx to calculate the marginal
> effect at each observation instead of manually entering the values
> for each observation?
> 2. Is there an easy way to calculate the standard errors of the
> marginal effects?

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