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st: Counting occurences & correlation matrix

From   Claude Francoeur <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Counting occurences & correlation matrix
Date   Tue, 26 Dec 2006 16:57:53 -0500


1- Counting occurences

I want to count the number of times the variable pw=1 is used in the 
following regression :

. xtprobit pw boardcomp compensation shrights disclosure tech mv endet cot 
volat march conc, pa i(i)

My dataset contains 781 observations, but only 581 were used in the reg.

I did:
. count if pw==1

This is not the count that I need. There are actually 47 pw=1 in the 
original dataset, but how many are there in the e(sample)?

2- Generate a correlation matrix

I did :

 . matrix accum R = pw boardcomp compensation shrights disclosure tech mv 
endet cot volat march conc, nocons dev

.  matrix R = corr(R)

Now, how do I export the matrix to Excel?



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