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st: how to create panel data out of different sample each year

From   "Murat Karaoz" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: how to create panel data out of different sample each year
Date   Tue, 26 Dec 2006 11:52:33 -0000 (WET)

Dear All,

I have 5 years of data (1996-2000). I work with samples differ each year.
I try to create panel data out of this using all the samples in five year
period. So in a sense I have a panel with a different sample each year.

Since samples differ each year, the identifier become different each year
for all years. Thus you are not able to repeat an identifier for each

My question is

how to form the "id" (identifier) variable in this situation. Because all
observations have different id every year which create problem. then xt
functions dont work.


Murat Karaoz

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