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Re: st: Probit with both individual and alternative-specificattributes?

From   Stephan Brunow <>
To, Kam Kup <>
Subject   Re: st: Probit with both individual and alternative-specificattributes?
Date   Tue, 26 Dec 2006 11:18:55 +0100


it seems as if these are stated preferences. You might have a look to mvprobit, which deals with multiple descrete binary choice regressions. There is a mass of literature, starting with Heckman (1978?, "Endogenous Dummy...") and Lee, see also Judge et al.
There you have multiple equations, which might be with an endogenous link, which can adress your problem.


Zitat von Kam Kup <>:

I have a choice model in which each individual is
asked about whether he/she is interested in using
various modes of transportation.  Each individual
gives a yes or no answer for each of five
transportation types.

It seems that, because people can choose multiple
alternatives, it's possible to identify coefficients
for both individual and alternative-specific
characteristics using a standard probit model rather
than a multivariate probit.    Is this correct?

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