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st: Weighted kappa for multiple raters

From   Paul Jack Karanicolas <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Weighted kappa for multiple raters
Date   Sat, 23 Dec 2006 15:15:29 -0500

Hello Statalisters,

I would like to calculate a quadratic-weighted kappa (with standard error) for a dataset that includes 18 raters, 50 subjects, and 4 categories of response. Currently my data is set up with the first column being the subject ID #s, and the next 18 columns being the raters' responses for each subject, from 1-4.

It seems to me like a weighted kappa can only be calculated in Stata for 2 raters... I am relatively new to Stata, so I'm not sure if I'm missing something simple or if I need more complex programming. Any suggestions for this problem would be much appreciated.

Thanks, Paul

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