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st: regexm and boundary symbol \b

From   Jacob Wegelin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: regexm and boundary symbol \b
Date   Thu, 21 Dec 2006 18:16:07 -0800 (PST)

In many regular expression engines one can use the symbol \b to denote a
word boundary.  For instance, in unix, the following use of '\b' allows
us to select only those lines in a file that contain the letter 's'
where it stands alone, not next to any other letter.

UNIX> cat z
dogs and cats
s, he said
george's crown
UNIX> egrep 's' z
dogs and cats
s, he said
george's crown
UNIX> egrep '\bs\b' z
s, he said
george's crown

Is there a way to do this in Stata? The following attempt did not work:

. list

     | var1             var2 |
  1. |    1    dogs and cats |
  2. |    2              sss |
  3. |    3       s, he said |
  4. |    4   george's crown |

. list if regexm(var2, "s")

     | var1             var2 |
  1. |    1    dogs and cats |
  2. |    2              sss |
  3. |    3       s, he said |
  4. |    4   george's crown |

. list if regexm(var2, "\bs\b")

. list if regexm(var2, "\\bs\\b")

Thanks for any info

Jake Wegelin
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