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st: RE: Whish for Stata10, or earlier

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: RE: Whish for Stata10, or earlier
Date   Thu, 21 Dec 2006 10:07:27 -0500

My primary wish, which I've had for a long long time is: When Stata halts due to some error in a do file, I wish it would display enough information about the location of the offending syntax to make it reasonably easy to find it without resorting to -trace- or other debugging tricks and utilities. I'd like it to work even if the problem is within a loop or a program. I refer Stata developers to Matlab, which outputs file name and line number upon any encounter with a problem that causes it to halt execution of a program.

I'd also love to have automatic command-line completion. So if, for example, -li x y- is unique with respect to the first six characters of anything in the command review history then hitting "tab" would complete the line with that unique prior command (which could be, e.g., -li x y z if a <= 47.65749 & s == 9-)

If anything like the above are currently possible, I'd love to know. If not, I'd love to see them in future releases or updates.


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