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From | Jonathan Sterne <Jonathan.Sterne@bristol.ac.uk> |
To | statalist@hsphsun2.harvard.edu |
Subject | st: metan and other meta-analysis commands in Stata |
Date | Thu, 21 Dec 2006 12:28:19 -0000 |
We are currently writing Stata Journal articles on the new metan command and other new or updated Stata meta-analysis commands. The following is an attempt to summarise the facilities of some (though not all) of the user-written commands for meta-analysis in Stata.I for one would much appreciate a comparison of the various user-written packages for meta-analysis included in the help file, as a supplement to "Also see" section at the bottom of the help file.
Would the authors would be willing to add to the latest release? The
help file available via view
Austin should ensure that he is looking at the most recent help file for metan, by typing -view http://fmwww.bc.edu/repec/bocode/m/metan.hlp- in Stata, or by installing the metan package (type -ssc install metan, replace- and then -help metan- in Stata). This provides a number of clickable examples of the use of the command. The required order of the variables is explained in the description of the command: "When four variables are specified these correspond to the number of events and non-events in the experimental group followed by those of the control group".is not as helpful as one might expect. The syntax of the required varlist is unspecified, but must be inferred from the examples at the very end of the help file, e.g. metan n1 m1 sd1 n2 m2 sd2
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