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Re: st: fama macbeth procedure
"Neil Shephard" <[email protected]>
[email protected]
Re: st: fama macbeth procedure
Tue, 19 Dec 2006 14:32:19 +0900
On 12/19/06, Sergio Correia <[email protected]> wrote:
Doing a quick scan of the code, I could not find commands that only
work on stata 9 (mvreg, for example, works even under stata 6).
Therefore, you can try this RISKY procedure (I take no
1) write: which xtfmb
2) write: doedit c:\ado\plus\x\xtfmb.ado
... or something like that (it depends on the folder that you get on step 1)
3) Replace the line "version 9.2" for "version 8.2", save.
... Run the command.
However, this command was not really tested under stata 8.2 so you
must be very careful.
A more sensible approach would be to upgrade your Stata licence and
take advantage of all the new features. However, if you do not wish
to do so then I would recommend doing the following instead...
2) copy c:\ado\plus\x\xtfmb.ado c:\ado\personal\my_xtfmb.ado
3) doedit c:\ado\personal\my_xtfmb.ado
4) Modify the version line to suit your version., save the changes.
5) Now call -my_xtfmb- instead of -xtfmb-
This avoids copying over the original and the need to download and
replace. If you run into troubles running -my_xtfmb- then modify that
and not the original.
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