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st: How to Tabulate Responses Across 41+ Variables in a Single Household and Store this Information in a New Variable?

From   "Kyra Naumoff Shields" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: How to Tabulate Responses Across 41+ Variables in a Single Household and Store this Information in a New Variable?
Date   Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:29:25 -0800

Hello All,

I am attempting to do some "simple" counting in Stata, but, thus far,
I haven't been successful.

My task is to sum frequencies of responses to time activity questions.
I have time activity information at 30 minute intervals over the
better part of 2 days.

For example, for household 1 (out of a total of 178 households),
examples of my variables are:
d1_04_00f   (day 1, 4am, status of fire)
d1_04_30f   (day 1, 4:30 am, status of fire)
d1_05_00f   (day 1, 5am, status of fire)

The codes for fire are 0=unlit, 1=fire in kitchen, or 2=fire outside.
This example represents only a small portion of my dataset; I also
have similarly coded questions corresponding to mother and child
activities at 30 minute intervals.

I would like 1) to tabulate the number of 0s, 1s and 2s for each
household in my dataset, and 2) to store this information in a new

My approaches have been many, but none have worked.

A)  I tried:
forvalues i = 4/22 {
 2.         egen fire0_`i' = rowtotal(d1*0f) if d1_0`i'_00f == 0
 3.         egen fire1_`i' = rowtotal(d1*0f) if d1_0`i'_00f == 1
 4.         egen fire2_`i' = rowtotal(d1*0f) if d1_0`i'_00f == 2
 5.         egen fire00_`i' = rowtotal(d2*0f) if d2_0`i'_00f == 0
 6.         egen fire11_`i' = rowtotal(d2*0f) if d2_0`i'_00f == 1
 7.         egen fire22 _`i'= rowtotal(d2*0f) if d2_0`i'_00f == 2
8.   }

But too many variables were specified (r(103)).

B)  I then tried:
egen fire0d1 = rowtotal(d1*f) if d1*f == 0
but the d1*f abbreviation was ambiguous; for this example, d1*f
represents the 41 variables that I would like Stata to examine, count
all the zeros and store this information in a new variable called

C)  Finally, I tried to more manually address the problem, but even
this didn't work because the rowtotal seemed to ignore my "if
statements".  I know this because fire0d1=fire1d1=fire2d1 for each of
the individuals in my dataset.

egen fire0d1 = rowtotal(d1*f*) if   d1_00_00f==0 |  d1_04_00f==0 |
d1_04_30f==0 |   d1_05_00f==0 |   d1_05_30f==0 |   d1_06_00f==0 |
d1_06_30f==0 |   d1_07_00f==0 |   d1_07_30f ==0 |  d1_08_00f==0 |
d1_08_30f ==0 |  d1_09_00f ==0 |  d1_09_30f ==0 |  d1_10_00f ==0 |
d1_10_30f ==0 |  d1_11_00f ==0 |  d1_11_30f ==0 |  d1_12_00f ==0 |
d1_12_30f ==0 |  d1_13_00f ==0 |  d1_13_30f==0 |   d1_14_00f==0 |
d1_14_30f==0 |   d1_15_00f==0 |   d1_15_30f ==0 |  d1_16_00f ==0 |
d1_16_30f ==0 |  d1_17_00f==0 |   d1_17_30f ==0 |  d1_18_00f==0|
d1_18_30f==0 |   d1_19_00f==0|   d1_19_30f ==0 |  d1_20_00f ==0 |
d1_20_30f ==0 |  d1_21_00f ==0 |  d1_21_30f ==0 |  d1_22_00f ==0 |
d1_22_30f ==0 |  d1_23_00f ==0 |  d1_23_30f==0

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Kyra Naumoff Shields, MS
PhD candidate
UC Berkeley - Environmental Health Sciences
140 Warren Hall #7360
Berkeley, CA  94720-7360
510.847.7948 (cell)
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