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Re: st: Do I use survey? with suest? Follow-up question

From   Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Do I use survey? with suest? Follow-up question
Date   Mon, 18 Dec 2006 12:07:18 -0500

On Dec 18, 2006, at 1:16 AM, Pura Rayco-Solon wrote:
Two provinces were chosen, one as control area and the
other as experimental area.
From each province, 3 cities were chosen.
From each city, 3 villages were chosen.
From each village, a random sample of women were
chosen - the number of women chosen from each village
was proportional to the population size of the

The weighting does not make a difference on either the
point estimate nor the standard error but the
clustering does (and the difference becomes

You will probably need stata's multi-level commands, like xtmixed and gllamm, not the survey commands.

On rereading your description, I am not sure that you took a probability ("random") sample of each province, or even of the province's cities. A random sample would have selected cities at random from a list, and villages at random from the list. To compute a sampling weight, you would need the probability of selection at each stage. A minor issue is that, even with a probability sample, the weight at the village level would be
(village size/sample size), not village size.

Even with a full-fledged random-sampling design at all stages, you you have run into the issue that Stata's survey analyses are "design- based," and the effective "sample size" is essentially the number of PSU's in this case 6! That is why your results become non- significant when city is the PSU.

To advise you better, we would need a detailed description of the study and intervention.


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