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[no subject]

Pura, I am going to assume that you have svyset your
data properly to  
reflect the sampling design. If you need help
with svyset, please ask.  (The variable group (or
province) should be  
the stratum variable.)

In what follows, I assume that  your intervention area
and time  
period variables are "group" and "period"
    group   1 = control  2 = intervention
    period  1=  baseline 2 = endline
    y    response variable

The following code will then work for you.

Good luck!


/* Code for Pura's Question */

gen gp11= group==1 & period==1
gen gp12= group==1 & period==2
gen gp21= group==2 & period==1
gen gp22= group==2 & period==2

svy: reg y gp11 gp12 gp21 gp22, nocons

lincom (gp22-gp21)                   // End - Baseline
Group 1
lincom (gp12-gp11)                   // End - Baseline
Group 2
lincom (gp22-gp21)-(gp12-gp11)       // Group


xi: svy: reg y*i.period     // __IgroXper_~2 
line will give you the same result as the last lincom

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