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st: help merge when dataset have different size

From   [email protected]
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: help merge when dataset have different size
Date   Sat, 16 Dec 2006 15:51:50 +0100

dear all, I have another question about merge:
I  have a dataset for the family wich the keys are:  country
hid(household idnt.) and another wich for the person  wich the keys
are:country pid hid.

In this second dataset the number of hid is grater than the first.
When make the merge is create a confusion, I use the second dataset
how using and the first how master.

make the merge in this procedure:
merge country hid  using... and take only the merge==3
Is't correct? because my results is very stranger....

thanks a lot for your help that is very useful...

Quoting Alan Neustadtl <[email protected]>:

The wikipedia entry on this topic is informative
(  Apparently
there is no one agreed upon formal specification.


On 12/16/06, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
In this part of Europe, namely Britain, comma-separated means
what it says. I haven't tested for change of behaviour on
the other side of La Manche.

[email protected]

Kit Baum

Well, Microsoft Office Help for "CSV file" says that data items are
separated by commas, so I don't know why Excel would expect that
(unless a default preference has been altered). Perhaps European
versions of MS Office behave differently because the comma is
used as
a digits separator. But RAY is on the same side of the pond as I am.

On Dec 16, 2006, at 2:33 AM, Ben wrote:

What Ray probably means is that Excel expects semicolons as
in a CSV file.
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