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st: orthogonal regression

From   Kit Baum <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: orthogonal regression
Date   Wed, 13 Dec 2006 08:07:35 -0500

If this is your model then you would use

ivreg2 y1 (y2=iv1 iv2) x1 x2 ,liml
ivreg2 y2 (y1=iv1 iv2) x1 x2 ,liml

to estimate it with LIML.

In any instrumental variables approach you do not 'define the instruments for each endogenous variable'. That is a common fallacy in thinking about IV and IV-like estimators. IV projects each endogenous variable on all the instruments---included and excluded--- in the course of estimation.

Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:

On Dec 13, 2006, at 2:33 AM, Alvaro wrote:

I have two endogenous variables y1 and y2, and exogenous ones, x.
With these variables the following models would find theoretical support:

I also have to iv variables for each of the endogenous variables
(ie: the ranks of each endogenous variable: iv1, for y1 and iv2 for y2).

In order to apply orthogonal regressions using the option liml, I
imagine I should define the instruments for each endogenous variable.

My question is how to define these? I'm expecting alpha1=beta1 in
orthogonal regressions. For this to happen I should use the same ivs
in both models but this doesn't make much sense with my current instruments?
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