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Re: st: metan v9 update

From   "Austin Nichols" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: metan v9 update
Date   Tue, 12 Dec 2006 15:51:33 -0500

Nick et al.--
Just to be clear, I am not asking for an evaluation per se, or a
comparison of strengths and weaknesses, or other matters of opinion,
but a paragraph stating some obvious differences in implementation,
and if appropriate, a set of circumstances under which alternative
programs might be preferred (or produce identical results--a useful
bit of info for writing a test script).

Perhaps an example [taken from the kernel() option description] from
the help for -ivreg2- (my go-to reference for good help files) can
illustrate my idea:
Stata's official newey implements HAC standard errors based on the
Bartlett kernel, and requires the user to specify the maximum number
of lags used and not the bandwidth; see help newey.
The thing is, there is no official Stata meta-analysis command, and
there seems to be some unclear degree of overlap in user-written
commands.  I was hoping an author of one (who has posted to the list
recently) might offer some insight (if not in the help file, perhaps
on the list).

On 12/12/06, Nick Cox <[email protected]> wrote:
I think Austin indirectly raises an interesting
although tricky question of principle here. As a program
author I am happy to mention other people's programs
(a) when I am aware of them and (b) when they
are complementary to mine. And I imagine that attitude
attracts widespread agreement.

But I'm queasier about getting into an
evaluation of other people's programs.
More prosaically, I just don't see that as a usual
expectation what belongs in a help file.

It can reasonably be included in a write-up of a program
in a normal academic manner, as "fair comment"
on the alternatives.

Naturally, I don't want to lay down the law about
practices and a help file can be used for various
useful purposes. I just want to flag that the issue
is a little delicate.

[email protected]

Austin Nichols

> Also, I for one would much appreciate a comparison of the various
> user-written packages for meta-analysis included in the help file, as
> a supplement to "Also see" section at the bottom of the help file.
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