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Re: st: How I can run a tree regression model in Stata

From   Richard Williams <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: How I can run a tree regression model in Stata
Date   Mon, 11 Dec 2006 23:31:59 -0500

At 11:14 PM 12/11/2006, Quang Nguyen wrote:
Dear Richard el al,

Thanks so much for your reply. You raised an excellent question.
Actually, the colors represents the characteristics of the players by
ethnicity and income level. For instance, "white" represents for
Rich_Vietnamese, "black" represents for Poor_Vietnamese and so on. The
main research question is to see how individual's perception on income
an dethnicity might have effect on the "cooperation/coordinating"
behavior. For instance, the rich might be more willing to cooperate
with the poor for upward social comparision reason.
To further clarify - you originally said players are "required" to vote based on the characteristics of others. But, the above makes it sound like they are not required to do so. Rather, you want to test whether the ethnic and economic characteristics of others will affect the vote? Or, perhaps you could say they are required to vote based on characteristics, but it is up to them to decide how to do so.

The color coding seems to confound the effects of race and income. For each of the other 2 players, I'd be inclined to code their race and income separately. You could then compute interactions if you thought it might be appropriate or necessary.

I'm still not clear on how to set everything up, but I definitely don't see how this would be a regression problem. What would the continuous dependent variable be? Every possible dv presented so far has 3 categories.

Richard Williams, Notre Dame Dept of Sociology
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