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st: Messages not appearing

From   Marcello Pagano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Messages not appearing
Date   Sun, 10 Dec 2006 11:41:49 -0500

Dear Listers,

Some odd behaviour in what appears and what does not appear on the list lately may be traceable to our spam detector we have operating locally. It daily captures about 100,000 letters. For me personally it stops about a 100 letters that have mostly to do with offers to enlarge part of my anatomy, so I am grateful the program is in place! Of course, the program makes decisions based on some judgment calls, and as a result it sometimes does things we do not expect. So if your posting to Statalist does not appear within a short time (usually, a matter of minutes, not hours) ask yourself the usual questions: (1) Am I still subscribed? (sometimes you get unsubscribed because letters to you get bounced back to us, or because you go on vacation and we get those pesky "Ta ta, I am on vacation!" messages.), (2) Is the message too long? (Not usually the case.), (3) Am I sending a formatted message? (Usually the case. Remember, Statalist requires "Plain Text", and does not like (a common courtesy, please get rid of) those signature cards that get attached to messages by some.), and (4) Am I mailing from another account?

And now you can add another reason: possibly the spam detector swallowed up my message. Currently, the only way around that is to wait a decent amount of time. Check the archives to see if your message appears there. If not, resubmit the message, but slightly transformed. Possibly change an URL--e.g. put a > in front of it so that it looks like text and not an URL. Use your imagination. Don't talk about enlargements?
Anyway, it should go without saying that you should check,


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