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st: specify groups within a group

From   "Luc Shum" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: specify groups within a group
Date   Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:28:28 +1100


Thanks for the reply. Much appreciated!

I couldn't quite get my head around the bysort clause where you stated
"keep if _n==_N". Is it that the clause essentially states, by patient
section, sort the time entries, and keep the entries where the current
observation is equal to the total number of observations in the dataset? I
don't understand logic behind this clause. Sorry this is such an elementary
question. ...

Any help is appreciated!


Quoting Joseph Coveney <c>:

Lucy Shum wrote:

Hi all, could anybody advise on how to specify in STATA, analysis of
specific groups within a category? That is, if I have a category called
events_mastitis - there are 7 different groups meaning there are animals
that experienced between 1 - 7 episodes of mastitis within a lactation.
if I only want STATA to analyze, tabulate, create graphs of.., say Group
and 5 only. How do I go about doing that?

Also, using the example above, how do I go about writing a command so
STATA compares the survival estimates of these 7 groups? Logrank? Is
there a
modified procedure that deals with comparison of greater than 2 groups?

You can use -inlist()- to select groups:

tabulate pathogen if inlist(events_mastitis, 1, 5)

You can use Stata's survival commands for comparing more than two
The example below creates four groups (age categories) and peforms a
log-rank test and Cox regression.

Joseph Coveney

use, clear
bysort patient (time): keep if _n == _N
egen byte age_category = cut(age), group(4)
stset time, failure(infect)
sts test age_category
xi: stcox i.age_category

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