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st: ram memory: microsoft fix

From   Anna Sanz-de-Galdeano <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: ram memory: microsoft fix
Date   Fri, 08 Dec 2006 18:40:15 +0100

Dear statlisters

In the following link:

Stata corporation kindly makes available Microsoft hotfix * 894472, which in theory at least should allow users to allocate memory to Stata beyond 1GB

My question is: will this patch work if my windows is in italian? More generally, does the english version
of the hotfix suggested by Stata corp. works independently of the language?

If not, can someone tell me how to get the italian patch?

I found a descirption of the problem in the italian microsoft webpage:

But then it leads me to an english webpage again.

Many thanks in advance

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