Thanks for the information. The "data + overhead" number matches what is returned from -describe-. However, it doesn't look like -memory- saves this value in r() either. What does the r(N_cur) value represent?
On 12/5/06, William Gould, Stata <> wrote:
> Julian Reif <> asked,
> > Is there a Stata command available that returns the size of the dataset in
> > memory? I am running a series of very long scripts at the same time on a
> > server and am performing an analysis to determine what the optimal memory
> > allocation should be for each series of scripts. I know that the -describe-
> > command will tell you the size, but it does not return the value in a local
> > and I'd rather not go hunting through log files if possible.
> I suggest Julian try the -memory- command, which presents a report and leaves
> results behind in r(). The results are different that those reported by
> -describe- but they may be more in line with what Julian wants, as these
> numbers are more system related and include overhead.
> -- Bill
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