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Re: st: statistical test to compare two survey means from two estimating equations

From   Steven Samuels <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: statistical test to compare two survey means from two estimating equations
Date   Tue, 5 Dec 2006 19:45:15 -0500

On Dec 5, 2006, at 4:06 PM, Nick Cox wrote:

 I'm still puzzled by the over-arching question and curious
as to how this fits into any research project.
Nick, I couldn't agree more. In the days when I did walk-in consulting for faculty and students, I never started out by answering a researcher's
question. Usually I asked "What's the problem? Why do you want to do this?" More often then not, the researcher hadn't really thought out his project. My biggest contribution was helping to define the research problem, and the original question was irrelevant.

In the list we usually answer the question first and don't always think to ask if it's the right one. It's inevitable perhaps, given the nature of the list, but unfortunate.


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