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Re: st: Query dataset size

From   Jeph Herrin <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: Query dataset size
Date   Tue, 05 Dec 2006 11:52:18 -0500


My -profile.ado- file uses the following routine when I open
a dataset by double-clicking in XP (so if the argument is a .dta

if "`1'"~="" {
	if (index("`1'",".dta")>0) {
		d using "`1'", short
		local size = int(r(width)*r(N)*1.5/(2^20))
		local size = max(10,`size')
		set mem `size'm
		use "`1'"

So -describe- returns the width & obs and I figured by trial
and error that in memory a dataset needs r(width)*r(N)*1.5/(2^20)


Austin Nichols wrote:
Julian & Bill--
As nice as the -memory- command is, it has the downside of requiring
you to load the data in memory before issuing the command, whereas the
-describe- command has the handy using option.  If you are deciding
how much memory to allocate with -set mem Xm- for example, it's
helpful to not have to load the data first.

On 12/5/06, William Gould, Stata <[email protected]> wrote:
Julian Reif <[email protected]> asked,

> Is there a Stata command available that returns the size of the dataset in
> memory? I am running a series of very long scripts at the same time on a
> server and am performing an analysis to determine what the optimal memory
> allocation should be for each series of scripts. I know that the -describe-
> command will tell you the size, but it does not return the value in a local
> and I'd rather not go hunting through log files if possible.

I suggest Julian try the -memory- command, which presents a report and leaves
results behind in r(). The results are different that those reported by
-describe- but they may be more in line with what Julian wants, as these
numbers are more system related and include overhead.

-- Bill
[email protected]
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