Thanks to Kit Baum a new, considerably improved version of -xml_tab- is
available from SSC archives.
To install the updates, type. ssc install xml_tab, replace use -adoupdate-
xml_tab- saves Stata output into XML file that can be directly opened in MS
Excel or OpenOffice Calc. The program is quite flexible to essentially do
everything Excel or Calc can do in terms of formatting of a table, but from
within Stata. The unique feature of -xml_tab- is that the program allows
controlling the formatting of the output tables. -xml_tab- can output the
results using different fonts, change borders of the output cells, insert
rows and columns, etc.
One can combine multiple estimation results saved using -estimates store-
and output results next to each other in a single table. Using Excel's
workbook format allows saving tables on different sheets of the same XML
file (workbook). This feature can be useful when there's a big number of
output tables generated using loops that need to be collected into a single
By linking XML files created with -xml_tab- with MS Word document one could
create dynamically adjusted reports.
Main improvements in the current version:
a.. -xml_tab- can now output the results of any Stata estimation
procedures into OpenOffice Calc, in addition to MS Excel.
b.. New and improved help file explains the usage of -xml_tab- in details
using multiple examples
c.. -keep()- and -drop()- options allow to keep and drop the whole
equations, you can still use wildcards (* and ?) to select groups of
variables for the output.
d.. -font()- options allows to change the font type and font size in the
output tables.
e.. -xml_tab- now can output marginal effects (or any additional matrixes)
after -dprobit-, dlogit, -mfx-, etc.
f.. -xml_tab- now uses -styles- option that allows predefining the
complete formatting structure of the output tables.
g.. A set of new options to control the output of the statistics into XML
files are also added.
We would be thankful for any suggestions about the additional options and
improvements in -xml_tab-.
Michael Lokshin and Zurab Sajaia
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