--- Nirina F <[email protected]> wrote:
> could you please help me how do I Get the level of significance for
> the difference of two means?
Say you wanted to know the difference in mean price of foreign and
domestic cars. You can type -regress price foreign- and the parameter
of foreign will be the difference and the p-value will be the level of
significance for a t-test of the null hypothesis that that difference
is zero. See example below:
*----------- begin example -----------
sysuse auto, clear
table foreign, c(mean price) format(%9.2f)
reg price foreign
adjust, by(foreign)
*------------ end example ------------
Maarten L. Buis
Department of Social Research Methodology
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Boelelaan 1081
1081 HV Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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+31 20 5986715
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