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st: trivariate normal distribution (2 dichotomous and one continuous left hand side variables)

From   Fabian Gouret <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: trivariate normal distribution (2 dichotomous and one continuous left hand side variables)
Date   Sun, 03 Dec 2006 20:24:04 +0100

Dear statalist,

Using stata 8, I am trying to perform a model composed of three equations:

The first equation is:

 y_1*=Z\gamma+\nu,  y_1=1  if  y_1*>0
with Z a vector of characteristics, \gamma the vector of coefficent and \nu the
error term

The second equation is:
y_2*=W\delta+Y\lambda+\eta,  y_2=1  if  y_2*>0

and the third equation is:

r=X\beta+\epsilon ,   where r a continuous variable observed if and only if

(\nu,\eta,\epsilon) are jointly normally distributed, with means 0.

The variance of \nu is 1, like the one of \eta (they are probit). The one of
\epsilon is \sigma^2. If someone wants to help me and have latex, the variance
covariance matrix is

\end{array}\right)$. $\sigma_\epsilon$ is the standard
error of $\epsilon$ and $\rho_{i,j}$ the correlation
between $i$ and $j$.

I have been able to write the log likelihood of this model, using the Bayes rule
to avoid cumbersome cumulative trivariate normal distribution.

However, I am unable to programm it on STATA.

Are there any maximum likelihood experts who might be able to help? Or someone
who have already done a similar programm?

Thanks for your help.

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