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Re: st: heckprob: What are the initial values?

From   "Le Wang" <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   Re: st: heckprob: What are the initial values?
Date   Sat, 2 Dec 2006 13:40:53 -0600

I think it is probably because "arg1" and "arg2" in the "from()"
option are not numbers. If "arg1" and "arg2" are pre-calculated, you
may just give the actual values instead of "arg1" and "arg2" in the
option. And another small thing that may not matter is that Stata
needs forward slashes.


On 12/2/06, Rachel <[email protected]> wrote:
I'm trying to change the starting values in heckprob. I've tried the
from( ) option, but I can't tell exactly what argument Stata is
looking for.

It looks like it's looking for the input arguments for the ml model
function. According to the m file, those are the vectors xb1, xb2 and
the number xb3 (rho).  I tried to use the option


where arg1 and arg2 are the x1*b1 and x*b2 that I've already
calculated based on the starting values I want, and 0.5 is my starting
value of rho.

But stata says it expects a number.  Is it looking for the likelihood
function for the first argument?

If anyone can tell me what starting values stata is looking for, I'd
much appreciate it.

Thanks very much,
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Le Wang, Ph.D.
Minnesota Population Center
University of Minnesota
(o) 612-624-5818
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