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st: Publication quality tables in Stata: SSC update to tabout

From   Ian Watson <[email protected]>
To   [email protected]
Subject   st: Publication quality tables in Stata: SSC update to tabout
Date   Sat, 02 Dec 2006 06:43:12 -0800

Dear Statalisters

Thanks to Kit Baum a major update to -tabout- is now available from the
SSC archives. Type:

ssc desc tabout

inside Stata for details.

-tabout - is a program for producing publication quality tables in
Stata. This is Version 2 of the program and requires Stata 9.2.
-tabout- reproduces everything -tabulate- does, most of what -tabstat-
does, and some of what -table- does. The output can be: tab-delimited,
csv, html and tex. -tabout- is more than just a program to export table
results. It's a complete table-building package.

As mentioned a few weeks ago on the list, there is a tutorial to
accompany -tabout-, with more than a dozen examples of different types
of tables. The tutorial can be viewed here:
and is also available from the SSC archives as part of the -tabout- package.

The major enhancements in Version 2 include:

* survey output: standard errors and confidence intervals
* numerous layout options: alternating columns, alternating rows, column
blocks and row blocks
* additional table statistics (chi2, gamma, Cramer's V, Kendall's tau,
* additional flexibility in the placement of sample counts (in rows, or
columns or in labels)
* easy formatting of cells (single numbers for decimal points) and new
formats (percentage and currency symbols in cells)
* for LaTeX users, rotation of value labels in headings and lines that
span set columns

The use of Mata within -tabout- means that users require Stata 9.2.
However, if you only have Stata 8.2, I have left the old version of
-tabout- (now renamed -tabout8- ) on my website for downloading. It can
be obtained from:


Ian Watson
Freelance Researcher &
Visiting Senior Research Fellow
Macquarie University
Sydney    Australia
email: [email protected]
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