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st: SSC archive stats
Mark S. asked why the SSC Archive stats that I report each month show
many more downloads than the RePEc download stats available from
http://logec.repec.org. An easy answer. The SSC Archive stats are
calculated from the server on which the ado-files reside. Every time
a file of type .ado is accessed--by whatever means--a 'hit' is
registered. "Whatever means" involves both the use of a traditional
web browser and Stata itself, masquerading as a web browser. When you
use the -ssc-, -adoupdate- or -net- commands, Stata uses the HTTP
protocol to download the file.
The hits registered in RePEc download statistics represent the number
of users who do not follow instructions (or for security reasons are
not allowed to do so). They represent those users who use a regular
web browser to access IDEAS or EconPapers, navigate to the SSC page,
and click on the ado-file. On the page they view, they are exhorted
not to do so, especially if they are Windows users. But many do not
heed the advice. But a Stata user giving the command 'ssc install
outreg' will not access any RePEc site, so their download is not
registered as RePEc activity.
The SSC archive stats are definitive, as they are derived from the
webserver logfile of about 1.4 million HTTP transactions per month
(the webserver handles many sites besides the SSC Archive).
Kit Baum, Boston College Economics
An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata:
* For searches and help try:
* http://www.stata.com/support/faqs/res/findit.html
* http://www.stata.com/support/statalist/faq
* http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/stata/