The question says "variable labels". I presume
this means "value labels".
The FAQ advises
"If you can, reproduce the error with one of Stata's
provided datasets or a simple concocted dataset that
you include in your posting."
In this spirit, and omitting a lot of messing
around on my part, here is one work-around that
gets something like this:
sysuse auto, clear
label def rep78 1 poor 2 fair 3 middling 4 good 5 excellent
label val rep78 rep78
gen where = 1.3
decode rep78, gen(REP78)
histogram rep78, discrete addl percent gap(10) xla(none) ///
legend(off) bcolor(none) ysc(r(0 45)) ///
addplot(scatter where rep78, ms(none) mla(REP78) mlabpos(0) mlabsize(*1.3))
In Stata 8, not 9, you would need -plot()-, not -addplot()-.
That is a stab at #1. A similar trick for #2 would probably depend
on using -twoway bar- rather than -graph bar-.
In general, Stata seems wedded the idea that axis labels belong on
the outside. It may be indoctrination, but I tend to agree. Still,
that's irrelevant, as with -twoway- you can put text where you want.
[email protected]
Oliver Krömler
> 1. Does anyone know how to label the bars of a histogram horizontally
> inside the bars or horizontally beneath the x axis?
> My syntax: "hist wohnort, discrete addl percent gap(10) xlabel(1/10
> ,valuelabel)"
> 2. A similar Problem with graph bar: How can I label the bars over
> multiple variables inside the bars or horizontally beneath the x axis?
> My Syntax: "graph bar (mean) v9_*, blabel(name, position(inside)
> orientation(vertical)) title(Hinderungsgrund aktivitäten
> nachzugehen?)
> legend(off)"
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